5 Minutes Prep - 2 Hour Interactive Lesson!
Help your students crack the cultural code with a simple story on Veterans Day. This story is created for very low beginners. If it's not right for your level, perhaps you could pass it on to another teacher who could use it--it's completely free to download for classroom teacher use.
Help your students crack the cultural code with a simple story on Remembrance Day. Created for LINC 1, this story is geared to very low beginners. If it's not right for your level, perhaps you could pass it on to another teacher who could use it--it's completely free to download for classroom teacher use.
Cross cultural differences in gift giving pose challenges for immigrants and visitors with their unspoken rules of etiquette. Students can develop their soft skills by cracking this sometimes inscrutable cultural code with the help of this online true or false quiz. Or download the free exercise that follows for use in a high beginner or intermediate classroom. The answers can be downloaded following the quiz.
The New Year's story below is geared to literacy and low beginner ESL (ELL) and is followed by questions practising what, when, where, and why and then a cloze passage. If you are looking for something for higher beginner or intermediate ESL, try a jigsaw from Callan's Holiday Jigsaws or Callan's American Holiday Jigsaws.
Did you know that Boxing Day, the holiday on the day after Christmas, does not exist in America? It is a federal holiday celebrated in Canada, England, Scotland, Wales, Ireland, Australia, and New Zealand. Boxing Day is often characterized by shopping since stores usually have their best sales of the year on that day, similar to Black Friday in the U.S. Teaching about holidays helps our students crack our cultural code.
Halloween can be disconcerting for new immigrants and refugees who may not understand what it's all about. An important role for ESL teachers is helping students crack our cultural code.
Stroke victims often suffer from aphasia, a condition that can result in anything from occasional trouble finding words to completely losing the ability to speak or read or write. Intelligence is unaffected.
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has a habit of defining who we are as a country by referring to our highest values. He recently said, "I really do want to highlight that Canada is a country where we look out for our neighbours and we are there for each other in difficult times. And certainly in Fort McMurray, the difficult times they are going through right now is something that we are going to unite around."
Who says you can't teach about Earth Day in low beginner ESL? Earth Day is a great time to discuss things we can do to live a more sustainable lifestyle and to practice simple "Do you" questions with low beginner students.
Teachers and their classes across Canada have begun testing the material from Callan's New Canada Jigsaws.